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The work of ASF would not be possible without the commitment of many volunteers and the support of numerous donors and companions. There are many different ways to get involved with us.

If you are interested or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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The Circle of Friends

“It was my pleasure to take over a sponsorship for my daughter´s voluntary service  – and I could also convince others to do so. She spent a year at the Holocaust Museum in Chicago and made very special experiences there. What a wonderful opportunity for a young person! She regularly reported her experience in a blog and via e-mail which was truly impressive. A sponsorship for ASF is definitely well-invested money!”



Susanne Wieseler

Television reporter and moderator, sponsor of ASF


Now especially: Solidarity with the people of Israel

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Eine besondere Begegnung, die mich mein Leben lang begleiten wird

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Partner diskutieren

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Publikation zu jüdischen Lebenswelten in Israel und Deutschland

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Freiwillige in Israel angekommen

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Von Shofar bis Challa

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Lukas berichtet….

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